Friday, September 18, 2009

Please Vote...

This post is borrowed from the Spookytime Jingles Blog

Hi all!! Those STJ fans out there will remember that we had Johanna Parker as our Surprise Guest Seller with our July update! Well, Ms. Johanna was nominated by Martha Stewart as a doer of the week!
She was recently selected along with 10 other entrepreneurial women
on Martha Stewart's website as her Doer of the Week!

* What a thrill! *

Here is how WE CAN HELP, Johanna win! VOTE !!!

Now, it is up to you to VOTE for your favorite Doer of the Week!

Johanna says:
The winner is awarded $2,500 to put toward her business, and I must admit,
those funds would help me to fulfill my dream of enlarging my closet-sized workspace
where I paint all of my whimsical delights!

I would be honored if you would vote for me :)

Simply, click on the following link which takes you to Martha Stewart's

Dreamers into Doers website:

Then, look for the "POLL" along the right side column.
Select a winner's name and press "VOTE"

Please spread the word and we'll see who won the vote on
October 2nd

{ You can peek at my e-newsletter feature that Martha Stewart sent out last week! See below: }

Thank you for casting your vote!


Beth said...

ohh i will have to go check her out and vote !!! so cool !! also i never was contacted back again ,so we were right it was a scam !! hope you have a wonderful weekend !!
ps. i added you to my links too !! thanks !!!

fabricartist21 said...

I just voted for our fav on the Martha Stewarts web Good Luck!!!!

Christopher A. Klingler said...

Hi Tracy! ~ Popping in for a belated hello! :-)

Hope you are having a nice weekend.

SpOOky Best,

Laume said...

Hi Tracy. I was bumping along in some links and saw a comment you made in Joanna's blog. My mother was also born on Halloween. So I thought I'd jump over here and see who you were. Looks like we share many interests as well! Especially that never-enough-time-for-art thing!